Monday, March 1, 2021

Gratitude Monday: Cheers!

One of my friends has a spectacular gift for, well, gifts. So much so that I refer to her as the Gift Fairy.

Some time before Christmas she asked if I like mimosas, which I confess I do; they make me think of summer and of brunches with friends. (I used to be quite the brunch bunny.) I also confess that I did not question why she would ask that. And, in fact, almost immediately after answering, I was OBE.

Then, right before Christmas, two packages showed up at my door, which has largely been the contact between GF and me this past year. One was in a Christmas bag, and the other was an open-topped box with a VERY FRAGILE FOR NEW YEARS notice on it.

One of the seriously mention-worthy packets in the bag was a pair of silicone strips that you snap over the ends of oven racks. In my pandemic-fueled baking, I acquired hash mark blisters from reaching into a 450-degree oven and touching my forearm on the rack. (The first one was noticeable enough for my primary care doctor to ask me about it during a telehealth visit; one of the others put that to shame, and that was the one I showed GF during brunch last Autumn.) But not any more!

Well, but today I’m here to share my gratitude for the New Year’s gift, which turned out to be champagne flutes that are so pretty that I went out to buy orange juice to make mimosas.

Then it occurred to me, that the glasses were the right size for just OJ, which I’ve been doing for breakfast ever since. Which is a good thing because I can’t recall the last time I’ve had OJ; probably at a hotel in France in 2018.

And finally, it occurred to me that they’re fine for sparkling water, which for some reason I’ve preferred to either coffee or tea lately.

Every time I take a sip from one of the glasses, I think of my friend. It’s almost as though we’re sitting together over breakfast; while that’s not yet the case, I’m grateful for the glasses that remind me of her and give me hope for more shared beverages.


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