Monday, February 1, 2021

Gratitude Monday: snow peace

Big snow storm came through the District They Call Columbia yesterday; supposed to be a nasty day today on account of melting and freezing. I’m grateful I don’t have to commute in it.

But it certainly was beautiful, if you didn’t have to drive anywhere. Kids in the ‘hood went sledding—or, I guess, technically, more like sliding—down the slope in the back, and folks were out with their dogs in the corporate campus beyond. (I saw one dog that I swear looked like a coyote, but since it was obviously fetching something for a human, I guess I was wrong.)

In my own back yard, I had visitors all day. At times, more than 25 at a whack, and all getting along. I must have fed them a couple of pounds of seed throughout the daylight. Some of them were picking up supper up until 1730.

And you know what? Not one single squirrel, all day long.

So, that’s what I’m grateful for today: a feast for birds without greedy Scuridae.



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