Friday, December 25, 2020

For ever and ever

I do love Messiah, both listening to it and singing it. Nothing gets your heart thumping by being in the middle of “Hallelujah”. Over the years, I’ve posted flash mob “Hallelujahs”, high school “Hallelujahs” and zither “Hallelujahs”.

This year I’m closing out the season with a different version entirely. In the past 12 months, we’ve suffered through multiple horrors—global pandemic, an expanding spate of police engaging in casual homicides of Black citizens and the downward-spiral of Cadet Bonespurs as he did nothing to ameliorate and in fact did everything he could to violate the Constitution and societal norms in the pursuit of power and profit.

It has, in short, been a fucking shitshow of a year, so crank up the volume and listen to Handel’s Messiah: A Soulful Celebration’s take on “Hallelujah”. I bought this album when it came out nearly 30 years ago, and it never fails to raise my spirits. I hope it does the same for you.

Merry Christmas; God bless us, every one.


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