Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Fight for freedom, reclaim justice, seek truth

Today’s Advent piece was written in 1970 by Alberto Taulè, a Cataluñan priest. This was only a few years after Vatican II, when the Church was looking for liturgical music to engage the congregation. Really getting to the point, “Toda la Tierra” was written in Cataluñan.

Toward that end of encouraging congregations unused to singing as part of their worship service, Taulè made both the words and melody simple. The first verse alone is worth the listen, though; especially in 2020.

Toda la tierra espera al Salvador.
y el surco abierto, a la obra del Señor;
es el mundo que lucha por la libertad,
reclama justicia y busca la verdad.

“The whole world is waiting (or hoping, if you prefer) for the Savior
“And the furrow opened for the work of the Lord;
“It’s the world that fights for liberty,
“Reclaims justice and seeks truth.”

Interestingly, there are versions of this out on the Webs that change the last two lines, watering it down considerably.

I’m giving you a version—with justice, freedom and truth intact—from the Major Pontifical Seminary of Santiago (Chile).



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