Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Out and about

My last collection of homework photos took me through May. Now here are a few from June.

Most are of various forms of flora. I love these things—at first I thought they were peonies, but now I’m not sure:

All their stages are just beautiful.

But I think these are peonies, so I’m not sure about the others:

Leaves can be worth your attention, too. Viz. this heart of a hosta:

And this whatever it is:

And this Japanese maple after the rain:

Not everything is organic, though. Like this, er, art left out for the trash:

I’m seriously trying to imagine having that thing on an interior wall, and I just am not seeing it.

I also came across this, um, thing:

I don’t know whether someone was trying to obscure the Toyota logo (although the back of the truck was en clair), the logo was falling off, or some other explanation. I just thought it was worth shooting.

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