Monday, May 11, 2020

Gratitude Monday: Privilege

Friday was the 75th anniversary of VE Day, so I took the day off to remember the time when the civilized world smashed Nazis instead celebrating them. Can you just imagine the 40 millions of dead whirling in their graves that not even a century later, we’re letting fascists threaten elected officials, swarm unimpeded through state Capitols and pervert the Department of Justice?


Well, my idea for the day was to hit a nursery to check out camellias, replant an azalea bush and shift shelves in a kitchen cupboard so I could have all my stemware in one place. Then I drank champagne.

It was actually very productive, and I was heartened by the news that the thugs in the White House are going viral, so to speak.

So today I’m grateful for paid time off, for having a garden to dig in and for being able to afford wine. I well understand that these seemingly simple things make me privileged, and I really, really appreciate it. I also appreciate that those who sacrificed everything to defeat fascism 75 years paid the price for my comfort.

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