Friday, March 20, 2020

Market report

I made a run to Wegman’s yesterday. Realized earlier in the week that I was down to less than five pounds of flour, and interestingly, Amazon is out of stock for anything that’s common or garden all-purpose flour. You want cauliflour or gluten-free ground cardboard at $8.99/lb, you’re fine. Pillsbury or General Mills, not so much.

(I actually hesitated in front of a 50-lb sack of flour the last time I was in Costco many weeks ago. I dismissed it as ludicrous. This week it seems less so.)

Also, while I had plenty of white wine, I only had a bottle or two of red, and there’s a freezer bag of lamb chops from that trip to Costco, so I decided I should just go. Wegman’s is my wine shop.

The store was not crowded. I got the limit of two 5-lb sacks of flour (the shelves were massively depleted; I guess everyone’s making pancakes with the kids) and two boxes of cake flour. Baking is my therapy; I’ll make this supply last. No red cabbage, and the carrot shelves were nearly bare. Laid in a few onions; you can always use onions. Looked like meat was in plenty, but I didn’t need any. Picked up feta, ricotta and mozzarella, so I’m good there for a while.

I also got eight bottles of wine, which is more than my typical haul. This will last me for a while, though. I started to take a quart of heavy cream, then thought that was stupid. I’m unlikely to be making pavlovas in quantity for a while; a pint will do, which also goes into pasta dishes. And a large-ish bottle of California EVOO. I do go through that stuff at a good clip.

Got red cabbage and frozen passionfruit pulp at Giant on my way home. So I’m set for isolation. I hope you’re as comfortable as I am.

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