Friday, March 27, 2020

Frail forms

I’ve been listening to a range of music while working at home. One song I keep returning to is “Hard Times”, which turns out to date long before the Great Depression. It’s actually Ante-Bellum Stephen Foster.

But history sometimes seems to be cyclical, and hard time do recur. They take different forms, but we know them when we see them.

For myself, I consider 2020 to be not so much “hard” as “moderately firm”—I have a job, I have a house, I have food and access to medical care. And I’m doing something that’s worthwhile—I work in cybersecurity. But for many millions here in the US and around the world, these are indeed shockingly hard times. So—listen to Mavis Staples singing “Hard Times”, and take what comfort you can.

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