Tuesday, March 31, 2020

First world problems

Well, this year March kind of gamboled in like a lamb, and is stalking out like an enraged lion with mange.

I’m not talking about the weather, which of course has been mucked about by climate change. I’m talking about life in a global pandemic, during which the US government has shown all the leadership of a banana republic run by a carnival barking clown.

Here in the Old Dominion, we are under stay-at-home orders until 10 June. Instead of sipping limoncello in Sorrento, I’m tapping a bottle of Costco prosecco. Yay.

Also, I’ve realized that all the olive bars in all the grocery stores have been shut down, and I don’t have enough pitted Kalamatas to see me through the next two-and-a-half months. I’ve already started rationing how many go onto my pizza bianca insalata and my Greek salads. Tough times ahead, man.

Still—I would give all the olives and all the limoncello to keep our healthcare workers and their patients safe, around the world and in my neighborhood. I'm not an empathy-deficient carnival barking clown.

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