Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The best medicine

It says something—a great deal, tbh—about where we are that #StoneColdIdiot can trend on Twitter and everyone in the world knows immediately who that idiot is. (Former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill used the phrase in response to the Kleptocrat’s tweet about the Kansas City Chiefs doing “the great state of Kansas” proud in the Super Bowl on Sunday. He’s clearly a guy who not only could not find Ukraine on a map, but he couldn’t find Missouri on one, either.)

He’s going to be acquitted by the gutless lickspittle Republican-controlled Senate tomorrow. They fear his tweets more than they honor the Constitution or their sworn oaths of office and of this process. A few of them have gone on TV to proclaim that he’s surely learned his lesson from this experience, so we won’t have to worry about him abusing his office again. That’s their lame rationale for absolving themselves of the need to convict and remove him from office.

Anyone with three synapses firing in sequence (which does in fact include many Republicans) knows this is utterly false. Cadet Bonespurs is incapable of learning anything, much less how to act like a President of the United States and conduct himself with the dignity befitting the office. And his red-hatted goober fans will cheer him on regardless. (Actually, they’ll cheer him on because he won’t learn and will continue his increasingly slurred and staggering capering about the world’s stage. In this he is their true representative.) So, he’ll declare a major victory against decency and up his campaign fundraising.

(Also, apparently, he'll go after the people on his enemies list. Just like a mob boss.)

My take is that he’ll certainly feel so empowered by this experience that he turns the State of the Union address tonight into one of his campaign rallies, lying for however long he can stand while Republican Senators and Representatives fill in for the MAGAts, cheering him on. But here’s my hope:

The instant he opens his yap, Democrats should start laughing. Maybe just a few chuckles and giggles to begin with. But they should move into guffaws and belly laughs until the entire chamber is roaring with hilarity. If there’s one thing in the world he can’t bear, it’s ridicule. (Remember how he took his tiny balls home early from NATO after that video of world leaders poking fun at him?) Just keep slapping your knees and holding your sides until he shuts up and leaves.

I’m thinking of the Star Trek episode, “Day of the Dove”, where the Federation crew and the Klingons stop fighting one another and instead laugh. It kills the entity that was feeding on their hate and fury. I say we should give it a shot here. It’s one thing that will get the #StoneColdIdiot’s attention. And his goat.

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