Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Competing interests

Day Two of RSAC; steps: more than 12,000. Here’s Moscone South just before the Expo opened:

I mooched around the halls for much of the day, channeling my inner blonde asking competitors questions about their products. Mostly I got away with it. Dave, a sales engineer with one company was mansplaining things no end. Then his colleague Kyle, having apparently looked at my badge, started asking questions about my job. Kyle clearly did not hold with sharing info.

Guy from another company flat out told me, “You’re a competitor. We’re not going to tell you anything.”

Well, joke’s on him, because I’m going to their sponsored party tonight. They haven’t disinvited me from that.

Also, we’ll crush them like a bug.

Speaking of parties, I limited it to three last night. I only went to the third one because it was the personal-via-LinkedIn invitation to the event at the fancy steakhouse. Also, it’s within staggering distance of my hotel and the other two parties. I bagged number four.

And I had to mess with JIRA tickets when I got back in the evening.

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