Tuesday, December 31, 2019

It's all happening at the zoo

Last week a friend and I went to the National Zoo for Zoo Lights—for the month of December, various corporations sponsor thousands of light displays at the zoo. This was the first time I’d been there since shortly after the first panda arrived in the last century—on short trip to DC that was one of my must-dos, seeing the panda. (I also went to the first club in the country that had male strippers. I much preferred the panda.)

Anyhow, my friend is a big fan of the zoo, and going at night, when I can’t see incarcerated animals, is about the best time for me. And it was quite a sight. I’m just gonna lay some pix out for you. The best things for me were the “animal lanterns”—lighted from the inside.

A couple of the animal lanterns moved.

One other highlight of that outing: as we were making our way to the exit, a toddler (in a stroller, maybe two-ish?) started screaming. Not crying, full-throated empty-your-lungs screaming. And the kid kept it up for at least 20 minutes—they followed us across Connecticut Avenue all the way to the Metro station. I have no words.

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