Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Wintering up

Predictions are for a serious cold spell this week, although it looks as though the worst forecast for our area has been amended. By which I mean that they’re taking back the promise of snow, which is fine by me.

But imagine my surprise when I opened my patio door yesterday late morning to toss out a handful of Fine Tunes seed on the ground for the quintet of juncos that have been acting like vacuum cleaners for the past couple of days and finding the temperature so mild that I left the door open.

Meanwhile, it’s 92 in Palm Springs, and Chicago’s snowstorm is so bad that planes are skidding off the runway at O’Hare.

But the juncos are happy. Although they’re going to have to get by for the next few days with what I toss out in the early morning and then in the early evening. Gotta go to work to be able to afford all this flipping birdseed…

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