Monday, November 18, 2019

Gratitude Monday: quite the week

Well, well, well. Interesting times in the District They Call Columbia, eh? Quite the spectacle, watching dedicated, principled career foreign service officers send Repugs at all levels into apoplexy.

Roger Babadook Stone: Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty.

A surprise visit to Walter Reed Medical Center, possibly setting up the pretext of a resignation “for medical reasons” before the Cheater in Chief is forced to turn over his tax returns to SDNY or congressional committees. Possible flare-up of #bonespurs? That worked for him before...

Outside the District, John Bel Edwards: reelected governor of Louisiana despite the Chaos Monkey’s three rallies in five weeks, at the last of which he begged his assembled knuckledraggers not to let him down and vote for the Repug.

This has been a week.

Today I am grateful for the integrity and courage of public servants, the perspicacity of the jurors in the Stone trial, and even for the bird-flipping voters of Louisiana.

And let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everlasting stream.

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