Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strange creatures

Apparently, Halloween is a big deal at my current employer. Not in the sense that the IT department at my old job made it: populating an atrium with ghouls and skeletons, and splattering blood and bodies in the server room is impressive. But we don’t have that kind of space, and you wouldn’t want to block off any of the kitchens; don’t want to come between devs and their coffee or Red Bulls.

Monday the SVP worked her way around the two floors we occupy, strongarming people by reminding them that this year’s theme is Harry Potter, and that—while a costume isn’t mandatory

She did the same again Tuesday at the weekly business unit call.

Story is that last year someone came as Horton. As in Horton Hears a Who.

My plan is to do a variant on my mad scientist schtick.

I spent last evening watching YouTube videos on how to make your hair look like you stuck your finger in a light socket. I frankly don’t know how I’m going to make it through the day with my hair ratted and hairsprayed. But I do not want to get on the bad side of the SVP. 

She’s coming as Professor Snape.

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