Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Another commute

Last Wednesday afternoon, during a break in an all-day meeting, I looked out a window to discover it was pissing down rain outside. Ordinarily that wouldn’t bother me, but I’d walked to work that day and hadn’t yet got round to putting a folding umbrella in my tote bag.

Throughout the afternoon it showed no signs of abating, so I was not looking forward to the walk home. But sometime after 1700, when the meeting broke up, the skies had cleared and it was dry (except for puddles) on the way home.

I made sure that the umbrella went into the bag that evening, because if I don’t do a thing in the moment, I’ll forget about it and find myself in a Groundhog Day of repeated mistakes.

Well, I was grateful for that yesterday, because sometime in the afternoon grey skies turned to rainy skies, and it was still coming down by the time I pulled the plug on the day.

But I had my umbrella, so all was well. Except for the puddles.

P.S. Interestingly, the tree that blew down across the path last Thursday is still there. Neither Fairfax County, Reston Association nor Boston Properties (whoever’s responsible for that area) has bothered to clear it. Huh.

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