Tuesday, September 24, 2019

We got climbers

Just last week, Cadet Bonespurs was preening in front of the bit of his southern border wall that he’s desperately trying to sell to his knuckledragging, mouthbreathing racist followers as on its way to completion. He was bragging lying about how his “beautiful” wall is impenetrable and unclimbable. His rotting word salad, specifically:

“We have, I guess you could say, world-class mountain-climbers. We got climbers. We had 20 mountain-climbers. That’s all they do—they love to climb mountains. They can have it. Me, I don’t want to climb mountains. But they’re very good, and some of them were champions. And we gave them different prototypes of walls, and this was the only wan that was hardest to climb.”

Well, folks in Mexico have turned his “impenetrable” wall into a climbing competition tourist attraction.

So it is serving a benign purpose, after a fashion. Which is more than can be said for the increasingly sweatiily apoplectic Kleptocrat.

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