Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Keep shining

The Mother of Parliaments is shut down while BoJo the Clown tosses his toys out of the pram. And Cadet Bonespurs is omni-raging against investigations into using his office to prop up his failing businesses, against hurricane Dorian not following his instructions to strike Alabama, against the Afghanis and the Taliban not serving up an opportunity for a Nobel Peace Prize, against John Legend a and Chrissy Teigen for no particular reason and against his (now) ex-NSA adviser, John Bolton.

Also, it turns out that the CIA extracted a valuable asset high up in Putin's government in 2017 because it was clear that Blabbermouth 45 was likely to tell the Russians all about him. Meaning the intelligence community decided more than two years ago that the occupant of the White House cannot be trusted with confidential information.

Seventy-five years ago the Anglo-American alliance spearheaded the destruction of on eof the worst dictatorships known to the planet, and here we are in 2019, both of us in crazytown.

I’ll say one thing about this: it’s interesting that the Tories—for all their toffee-nosed elitist classist bullshit—have decided that there is, in fact, a line, and they won’t cross it. BoJo is in the soup as a result of not reading the lapsang souchong leaves in his Wedgewood cup, and discovering that his Conservative brethren are actually chordates. Would that the GOPigs here could find even cartilaginous backbones and give the Kleptocrat even the tiniest kick to the cojones.

Well—I’m not going there. A couple of days ago a friend posted a video on Facebook in which he sang a WWII standard in memory of his recently-deceased brother. I can’t give you that one, but here’s Vera Lynn singing her signature piece.

We can all look forward to—and work toward—some sunny day.

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