Monday, September 9, 2019

Gratitude Monday: fresh colors

Someone on the cluster board must be looking to sell their townhouse, because there’s been a lot of talk about “more updated lighting” and “freshening up cluster colors”. I don’t know what’s going on with the lighting, but they’re apparently serious about the paint. We’ve been bombarded by missives from the management association to go take a look at the samples painted on two units and vote for our preferred colors.

So this weekend I walked over to the two townhouses and here’s their idea of “freshened-up”:

The thing that popped into my mind on seeing them was the faux “seaport” cluster of shoppes that surrounded the Queen Mary in Long Beach. I would prefer they paint my house jungle camouflage than anything calling itself “Boone Nut”, “Weimaraner”, “Chambourd” [sic], “Dinner Party” or “Mysterious”. Pretty sure I’ll lose this, tho.

Nonetheless, I’m not here today to kvetch about the cluster board’s utter lack of taste, but to tell you about what I found on my way across the common property to the Palette of Pretension. Because one or more young person(s) apparently has a palette of chalk, and has used it for the good of humankind. Viz:

(I’m not entirely sure what that long rectangle represents, but it must have had meaning for the artist.)

And today I’m grateful that I happened to cut across the tot lot while these drawings were still intact, because they lightened my spirits and we all need lighter spirits.

I just wish the cluster board had consulted the kids about color schemes. I’ll take “Tree of Life” or “Flying Saucer” over “Boone Nut” or “Mysterious” any day.

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