Monday, August 12, 2019

Gratitude Monday: dinner with friends

A few weeks ago, I unpacked my good china. For five years it sat in a dish-pack in a Sunnyvale garage. I briefly unpacked it when I moved to Arlington, but never used it before it went back into a carton for the move to the People’s Republic, where it sat in a closet for more than two years.

Once it was out, however, I realized I now have enough plates to invite people over for dinner. I also dug around and found my serving dishes; yay! So last night I hosted three friends for a summer meal—chicken, squash, salad and pavlovas. I’m still working out the technical details of sourdough baguettes, so I had a backup from the farmers market. I’m a girl who likes redundant systems.

Today I’m grateful that finally clearing out that carton inspired me to invite friends to come over for supper and discussion. I’ve missed this.

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