Tuesday, July 2, 2019


With nothing but the cachet of her daddy’s position, the unelected “special advisor” to the Chaos Monkey tagged along on the series of photo-ops that was the G20 meeting last week. The First Airhead, dressed like a refugee from Laura Ashley, inserted herself into meetings and photographs as though she was an actual contributor. Basically, she was at a battle of wits only partially armed.

The expressions of gobsmacked disbelief on the faces of people who are actual statesmen and diplomats told the whole story. The quintessential moment may have been the conversation among Justin Trudeau, Theresa May, Emmanuel Macron and Christine Lagarde, into which Her Vapidness tried desperately to insert herself, with eyes on the camera all the time.

This pretty much defines cringeworthy.

Then there was this actual photo, that pretty much looks like a nightmare version of Take Your Idiot Daughter to Work. The side-eyes are cherce:

Well, the call went out over Twitter under the hashtag #UnwantedIvanka to find us more instances where she might have showed up to flog her brand, and the Twitterati responded like troupers. Just as they did four years ago with Nicolas Sarkozy. Viz:

In many cases, given Il Douche’s utter disregard for standards of government and his core purpose to amass wealth for the kleptocracy, it was hard to know whether the pictures were real or photoshopped.

This one, for example, is an actual shot from the op at the top, with individual facial expressions called out:

You’ll note that Bonespurs is looking at the airhead’s butt. That’s the level of our leadership.

I confess that when I saw coverage of G20, this is what I thought was going on:

Also, given the performance at Osan Air Base in Korea, the actuality of this may not be far off.

There are probably many, many more #UnwantedIvanka memes by now. Take a look for yourself.

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