Friday, July 12, 2019

Team spirit

I’m in the process of Kondoing my PC—I’ve got so many duplicate files and folders I may never get everything sorted. (And activities like this are when I really miss having two monitors to compare files. A laptop screen just does not feed the bulldog.)

Anyway, I came across these pix I shot of my former colleague’s office. LW is apparently a fan of the Washington Nationals. (Yeah, I don't know what the helmet is; pretty sure it's not a baseball thing, but I could be wrong.)

I don’t know how many of these little dolls he has, but they must have accounted for at least two cartons when we all had to move office a couple of months ago. (The latest being my sixth office in 3.5 years, I had a grand total of 1.5 cartons of stuff to move.)

In this he reminded me of another ex-colleague, the World’s Greatest Expert. Little pisher with compensation issues.

Anyway, now that I’ve shared LW’s idea of office décor, I’m tossing the files. Only about fifteen squillion left to check.

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