Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tanks for the memories

The Twitters-dot-com have been on #TankWatch2019 ever since Il Douche announced (too late for cooler heads to gainsay him, as they did last year) that he’ll have “Abram [sic] tanks” and “the brand-new Sherman tanks”, “the best tanks ever” (even though Shermans haven’t been in use for more than 60 years, and they weren’t even the best tanks of WWII) at his ego-stroking rally today.

It’s not quite as good as #UnwantedIvanka, although she actually made an appearance in the current hashtag:

However, for my money, this video totally wins the Interwebz:

I myself have watched it about 20 times, and it cracks me up again and again.

The entire thread is good, too. E.g.:

Also, the suggestion that [General] Sherman should ride one of the Shermans was extra primo good.

Happy Independence Day, folks.

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