Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Sheltering in place

We had quite the deluge yesterday in the District They Call Columbia. It started in the People’s Republic around maybe 0630ish, and it went on for about four hours. It did not dropeth as the gentle rain from heaven, it poured steadily for all that time. It was like California during an El NiƱo year.

Moreover, it was so dark right until mid-morning that I had to turn on lights. In July, man.

We’ve been having afternoon-evening thunderstorms and showers for days now, but this was impressive. I saw a juvenile cardinal that was so soaked, I wanted to take him in and dry him off. I have never seen a bird look so miserably wet.

There were floods all over the region (including at the White House) and the morning commute was dreadful for both motorists and Metro riders. The parking lot I used every single day near the Wiehle station was under eight inches of water, which built up after people had left their cars there in the morning. So I was really happy that I was not among them.

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