Friday, July 19, 2019

Put the quacker down

Jeffrey Epstein denied bail, so possibly more inclined to spill the beans about his connections with persons in high places. A 2020 campaign strategy openly based in racism coupled with xenophobia and misogyny. Racist statements and incitement to violence that turn international ridicule of the occupant of the Oval Office to international condemnation. House of Representatives getting closer to the I-word. Released Special Counsel subpoenas cutting off plausible deniability of Individual One’s personal involvement in hush payments to women ready to go public with his affairs with them (payments that carry federal campaign finance violation consequences). Robert S. Mueller III testifying before the House next week...

It’s been a bad week for Cadet Bone Spurs. So no surprise that he’s flailing around looking for something to distract the world. And behold—an Iranian drone appears, just asking to be shot out of the sky.

So when NPR tweeted out its Tiny Desk Concert with residents of Sesame Street, I halted everything and spent 15 minutes with little fuzzy critters who sing enthusiastically if not always entirely on key.

That was so therapeutic, I went in search of my favorite Sesame Street oeuvre—and the very best advice you’re likely ever going to get—“Put Down the Duckie”.

Peace out.

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