Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Not quite frozen assets

Someone posted this meme on Facebook, saying that the thief would get plastic bags, onions and garlic.

I flashed back to the last century, when I was throwing a party and inviting colleagues. One of them, who is 6’ 9”, told me he and his partner had a previous commitment and were unable to attend. My response: “I’m sorry to hear that; we’ll miss you. But now I don’t have to clean the top of the refrigerator.”

Because it’s amazing how dust and detritus collect on horizontal surfaces when you’re not wiping them down a few times a day. Actually—I should probably go do that, using the industrial-strength cleaner, since that thing hasn’t been washed since I moved in more than two years ago.

I’ll have to move what’s on there, off course. Zip-loc bags, plastic wrap, waxed paper, aluminium foil and parchment paper. I don’t know where you’d keep that stuff if not on the top of the fridge.

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