Monday, June 17, 2019

Gratitude Monday: playing to win

Short one today: I posted my employment status on both Twitter and Facebook last week. And I was humbled by the number of people who reached out to me with job leads and encouragement.

I’m also somewhat astonished at myself, because in talking with recruiters I not only was forthright about my capabilities (what I might have called boasting a year ago), I stuck to my guns when one of them said her client’s budget for a position tops out at $15K less than the lowest part of my range. In fact I immediately (but professionally) pointed out that they’re asking for a shedload of high-end capabilities, and the salary they’re thinking of (even with equity) doesn’t match their expectations.

A friend of mine—also job hunting—quoted from Crazy Rich Asians, and it’s quite the eye opener. There are two kinds of mahjongg players: those who play to win, and those who play not to lose. All my life I’ve been in the latter category, and especially in the last year and a half. It’s time to play to win. Ergo: stating confidently what I can do and what I’m worth.

Dunno how long it’ll last, but I’m giving it a good go. And that’s my gratitude for today.

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