Monday, June 24, 2019

Gratitude Monday: All of it

The weather since I left my employer has been utterly gorgeous, so I’ve had the patio door open all weekend. In late June DC, this is a marvel.

I have a couple more hoops to jump through before my health insurance is sorted, but I know what I need to do. It involves filing hard copies of forms with a government office, but I’ll take a book along with me for waiting in line.

I finally found where supermarkets file frozen passionfruit purée, so I’m going to try making passionfruit pavlovas. If that doesn’t work out, I still have some lemon curd from my last round of pavlovas last month. It’s all good.

Two interviews are planned for this week; we’ll see what happens.

My sleep has been better for the past five days; huh.

I made another batch of pizza dough on Friday. I used the patio as my proofing oven, as it was warmer than any room in my house. (I double-sealed it with plastic wrap to keep out the critters; stand down.) It rose beautifully and made the fluffiest crust I’ve had so far, and delicious pizza bianca.

A reader wrote to thank me for my post on my friend, David Royle. That reminded me how blessed I was to know him personally.

A friend whom I’m helping with his job search wrote a LinkedIn recommendation that absolutely blew me away.

Another friend called on Saturday to check in on me. We talked for more than an hour, and I taught her the difference between strategy and tactics.

I could go on, but you get the idea. I have a great deal to be grateful for, and I am.

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