Sunday, May 12, 2019

Walking meditation

I went to Christchurch (Anglican) Cathedral yesterday to walk their labyrinth. The concierge at my hotel promised me it wouldn’t rain, so I thought I’d chance it. He was right, yay!

The labyrinth is directly in front of the entrance to the church, and was therefore overrun with what we at William & Mary used to refer to as tourons. But I walked it anyway.

(This was at the center.)

The cathedral grounds aren’t very big, but here’s a shout-out to the first performance of Messiah in Dublin, which was held there.

And a nod to homelessness (I assume).

There was a very small bed of flowers:

Wouldn’t you know, someone added to the décor:

In light of that, on my way back to the hotel (which took me through the happening area of Temple Bar), I came across this bit of rage against the man:

Here’s a close-up of the graffiti:

Dubliners, man.


  1. I think the first performance of Messiah in Dublin was the first performance *anywhere.*
    Also -- that bronze homeless person on the bench -- do I see stigmata in the feet?
