Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Starting the day out right

We had dinners in Dublin yesterday, so today’s post is about breakfast at my Dublin hotel. Something I learned on my trip to Prague, Berlin and Paris is that if I have a big breakfast, I don’t have to eat anything until dinner. So I definitely look for hotels that include breakfast.

There was a kerfuffle at mine—my booking said that I got breakfast included; their reception people said nah. But eventually they came round. And I’m glad, because it was a splendid affair.

In addition to the usual buffet of fruits, yoghurts, pastries and charcuterie, they also had cooked offerings. My first morning I chose Eggs Benedict:

Let me say that those were the best poached eggs I’ve had. And using a toasted brioche instead of English muffin, and Parma ham instead of Canadian bacon, is a stellar idea.

The next day I went for the Full Irish—you know, seventeen kinds of pork products, eggs and (this time) hash browns, which resembled McDonald’s.

Again—lovely, lovely poached eggs.

The French toast I opted for the next day was okay, but I didn’t take a picture. The next day I went back to poached eggs, this time Eggs Florentine:

Look at those lovely, lovely yolks:

The last morning I went for porridge, and was a little disappointed that it didn’t come with brown sugar, although the honey and berries were okay.

Speaking of honey, here's something I've never seen anywhere else: a honeycomb on the buffet, that you can scrape so it drips into the bowl, then put it into a little pot for your personal use. Here it is fairly untouched:

And here it is after a few days:

Y’all know how much I love latte art. Well here are some cappuccinos from my breakfasts:

And, finally, here’s a fellow guest. Just because.

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