Monday, April 1, 2019

Upsoaring wings: Ants and purple weasels

Woops—here we are in April again. So you know what that means. Thirty days of poems because it’s National Poetry Month.

It’s also April Fools’ Day, when tricks are played and jokes are made, typically at someone else’s expense. That someone else is supposed to forgive all at the shout of “April Fool!” Look for silly hoaxy headlines and something silly from Google.

Then back to work with you.

My theme this month—upsoaring wings—comes from Rainer Maria Rilke’s “Aus einem April”, which I’ll get to tomorrow. I think in 2019 we can really use a bit of lifting; I know I do. In honor of my use-it-or-lose-it trip last year, I’ll through in more than the usual number of French and German poets, plus some Czech efforts.

Although he was an all-around creative dynamo (cartoonist, playwright, screenwriter, song writer), we probably know Shel Silverstein best for his children’s books. He came to that genre via his friend Tomi Ungerer, and one of his big hits was the poetry collection Where the Sidewalk Ends, which includes “Oh Have You Heard”, about April Fools, er, well, jokes and stuff.

I equivocate because on rereading it, what was hilarious because unthinkable in 1974 is not nearly as funny in 2019. We got anti-vaxxers waving the Bible; outbreaks of entirely preventable diseases like measles; an occupant of the white house whose brain is pocked and blistered with hate, fear and cruelty; the “principal” of the federal schools agency is in the midst of torching our entire education system; the Labor Department is cutting back on all kinds of worker protections, so you can kiss goodbye the thought of any sort of vacations; and Florida is in fact sinking into the ocean, thanks to climate change deniers and Chamber of Commerce boosters.

At this point, I wouldn’t even be surprised by scalp infestations of ants and purple weasels. Although I’d be mildly amused.

 “Oh Have You Heard”

Oh have you heard it’s time for vaccinations?
I think someone put salt in your tea.
They’re giving us eleven-month vacations.
And Florida has sunk into the sea.

Oh have you heard the President has measles?
The principal has just burned down the school.
Your hair is full of ants and purple weasels—

Welcome to April, folks. Buckle up.

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