Monday, April 15, 2019

Gratitude Monday: taxes paid

I’m feeling a tad tetchy on this Gratitude Monday, having had to fork over a couple large to the Feds in addition to taxes withheld regularly from my pay checks. I’m not one of those people who view big refunds as a windfall; my preference is to be within a couple hundred on either side of the total owed. But this year, with only a moderate increase in my annual salary, all of a sudden my liability shot up. Primarily because I all of a sudden lost most of the deduction for mortgage interest and property taxes.

I am not happy about that. And I am not grateful that I’m subsidizing the Billionaire Boys’ Club with my contribution.

However, I have a job, making enough to owe taxes; I can make my mortgage payments and put petrol in my 18-year-old car; and my taxes are paid. And with my taxes, I've contributed to the wellbeing of the polis.  So that’s what I’m grateful for today.

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