Tuesday, March 26, 2019

March madness

It rained here in the District They Call Columbia all day Thursday. I mean, from before dawn until the evening, it never let up. It wasn’t a gullywasher, but it also wasn’t a drizzle. Full-on, steady rain for hours.

Friday, when I went out in the morning, I could have gone swimming in the passenger side footwell, so I took it to the garage right after opening, and spent the day working at home. Just as the Saab guy was calling to tell me that my sunroof had been leaking and they’d have to keep it until Monday, I looked outside, and saw this:

Evidently it was a completely freaky weather system, which brought rain, hail, graupel and possibly frogs and alligators from the skies. (Graupel, if you’re asking, is like hail, only smaller and opaque. You can see that just in the period when I shot the video it tapered off, but left a covering on the ground.

Well, the garage actually had my car ready Saturday morning, so I walked up and got a couple of pix of the daffodils around their parking lot.

Spring, man. Weird.

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