Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Storm rising

Here in the District They Call Columbia we’ve got dire predictions of a serious snow-plus-ice-plus-rain, starting in the very early hours of today. Virginia DOT trucks have already treated NoVa roads to a couple of passes of brine in preparation. Which—as I look out on my back yard under an inch and with huge flakes dropping more—turns out to have been a good idea.

My cluster parking lot has still not been plowed, though, so I'm not getting out.

Being a fourth-generation Californian, I wig out some when I hear these sorts of forecasts. So yesterday when I got in to work, I checked it out on WaPo. Why, yes indeedy—here are the visuals from around 0700:


Then ice:

I also cast my eye over the comments and I was glad I was the only person around when I saw this:

Because welcome to the District.

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