Wednesday, February 6, 2019


It will probably come as no surprise that it would be difficult to hawk up an event that I’d find less interesting than the Super Bowl. Outside of anything to do with NASCAR racing, I mean. I recognize that it’s a big deal to a lot of people but all it signifies to me is that it’s the one Sunday afternoon in the year when you can do your grocery shopping without having to deal with long checkout lines.

But apparently—in addition to the Puppy Bowl—there’s another counter-event known as the Superb Owls, which I never knew about until I saw this tweet on Sunday:

Myrna Tellingheusen’s profile indicates she’s a woman of substance, retired from a place where I once also toiled.

I love that she lives in mobile home park called Dead Cow Estates.

I’ll give you a couple more of her Sunday tweets. This one brought memories of really nasty aspics served at my mother’s Women’s Club events:

And I consider this the last word on the half-time entertainment:

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