Thursday, February 28, 2019

Shades of Watergate

More than 40 years ago, my mother was glued to the TV during the Watergate hearings in the US Senate. That was pre-cable, so she probably was tuned to PBS, one of eight channels we got in LA at the time. I didn’t quite understand what the fascination was back then, but after following the appearance of Michael Cohen before the House Oversight Committee yesterday, I think I get it; maybe.

In my case, it’s not so much Cohen’s testimony about the criminal and repugnant activities of the current occupant of the White House. He didn’t reveal anything we didn’t already know. It was the gobsmackingly rabid behavior of the Republicans on the committee. As Representative Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) pointed out—they have been running from the truth ever since they fell into line behind the Kleptocrat.

Lynch's Democratic colleague from Maryland, Jamie Raskin, clarified: They’re not outraged that Cohen has lied about Bonespurs in the past. They’re outraged because he’s not continuing to lie for him.

I wonder what Mom, a lifelong Republican, would make of that?

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