Thursday, January 31, 2019

Weather report

We in the vicinity of District They Call Columbia got snow on Tuesday. It wasn’t the Polar Vortex that’s blanketed the Midwest in sub-zero misery, but offices let out early because it was supposed to hit during the evening commute rush hour. Then the forecast was for o a whole lot of evening events were cancelled throughout the area.

On my Metro ride out to the People’s Republic, I noted lines of salting/plow trucks idling on the shoulders along I-66 and the Toll Road. That’s always a bad sign. There were huge, fat flakes of snow all afternoon and into the evening, and I was glad I didn’t have to go out once I got the car parked. All I had to do was drink tea and watch the birds at the feeders.

It was too dark to shoot photos, so you’ll have to take my word for it. In the end, it was only an inch or two, but it did freeze, and I was very glad to be snug and warm inside.

Yesterday I had to go whack one of the feeders that had frozen shut, to release the mechanism that allows lightweight birds access to the seed while foiling squirrels and bully birds. I feel an obligation to ensure that the avian diner is open during the daylight hours. Gotta keep the customers happy, regardless of the weather.

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