Thursday, January 3, 2019

Shut the Cabinet door

Oh, for pity’s sake—that #CabinetMeeting yesterday.

Listening to that I-I-I-me-me-me for 90 minutes, demanding nothing but praise, yapping on interminably about how NO PRESIDENT IN HISTORY, know more about drones and tech than everyone, arms crossed, all alone with the machine gunners, I could have been a good general, blah-blah-blah; it’s time for the family to have grampa put into the home.

And watching that ophidian John Bolton sitting in the background shifting back and forth from his reptilian core while that orange buffoon rattled on—Jesus sweet Christ.

And what's up with that bloody “Sanctions are coming” poster and the November date—does he not remember that the Rs lost the House last November? As Twitter remarked on more than one tweet, indictments are coming.

If Republicans still think they can hold on to power with this dementia patient at their head, they’re going to be so surprised.

I need to bleach my brain.

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