Thursday, January 24, 2019

Oughta be a law...

As you are all too well aware, we are living in interes utterly bizarre times. I was alive in the 60s, and it still wasn’t as batshit crazy as what we’re seeing now.

For today’s example, I’m going to step away from the lunacy emanating directly from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and give you a bill proposed in the Arizona state legislature by a whackadoodle named Gail Griffin (RWNJ). Her House Bill 2444 w-wou (sorry, laughing too hard) would require (hahahaha)…

Well, first of all it’s the “Obscene and Criminal Blocking Software” law. And it requires all “product[s] that make content accessible on the Internet” bought in the great, regressive state of Arizona to block by default access to porn. (Think about that. By default.) And if you want to unblock your, er, device to view “obscene material”, you have to pay $20. To some state entity TBD.

And your $20 and all the $20 of your porn-fan brethren will go to fund the Kleptocrat’s wall along the southern border. Imagining the Tea Partiers who infest Arizona forking out any amount of money to unblock their “obscene material” is just hysterical.

No, I swear I am not making this up. You can read the whole farkochte thing here. Her definitions of “specified anatomical areas” alone are worth the wading through all the all-caps.

Griffin apparently isn’t the first legislator to display her complete and utter ignorance of how The Interwebz works; other porn-blocking nonsense has been attempted in Kentucky, Alabama, Utah, Rhode Island, South Carolina and Virginia—all proud bastions of ignorance. (Well, I don’t know what’s up with Rhode Island.) But she seems the first to tie porn to the wall. Publicly, at least.

Okay, but today’s post is not so much about Griffin’s idiocy as it is about Twitter’s response. Because this thread is smashing. I started taking screen caps to give you an idea:

But you should really just go here and start scrolling. Just don't be drinking anything while you do that.

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