Saturday, December 1, 2018

Un petit déjeuner à Paris

Something intimate today from Paris.

Yesterday morning, when I pulled open my blackout curtains, I saw only one window lighted in the buildings across from me—the ground floors appear to be offices, all the floors above are apartments.

I noticed that this one view showed a white-haired woman laying a candle-lit table. Well, an 0800 meal is generally breakfast, and it’s not very often at all that you see candles at breakfast. So I hauled out my point-and-shoot and shot. (The photos are very grainy because of the low light and the optical zoom.)

She was moving quite slowly and deliberately, making sure things were just so. After a while, a white-haired man entered the room; they kissed and he sat down; they ate. (It must be a regular Thing, because they were at it again this morning, by candlelight. It was lovely.)

That’s it, folks, just an old couple still affectionate, and enjoying a candle-light breakfast in Saint Germain-des-Près.

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