Sunday, December 23, 2018

The weary world rejoices

Man, this year has been a son of a bitch, hasn’t it? And we still have another week to go before we can slam the door on it. But it’s Christmas Eve, the end of Advent, also known as la Noche Buena and Holy Night. Which is a lead in to today’s offering.

The poem “Minuit, Crétiens” was written (by a wine merchant, if you’re asking) to commemorate the renovation of the local Avignon-area church organ in 1843. It was set to music and the resulting anthem premiered in 1847. It’s quite the show piece, and there are plenty of diva-esque performances.

However, I feel that it’s only appropriate that I should close out the season with the Queen of Soul singing “O Holy Night”.

I miss her so much.

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