Friday, December 14, 2018

Hear the watchmen sing

Last year I gave you “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme” from J.S. Bach’s cantata of the same name. It’s possibly the über music for Advent, which is all about preparing for the savior’s birth. The text references the parable about the wise and foolish virgins—two groups of maidens waiting to greet the bridegroom at a wedding. Only one group has really thought through—and prepared for—this arrival; no prizes for guessing which one.

(Also, you can take it as read that this is one parable that’s overdue for an update removing the sexist framing. Or at least mention all the men at the wedding who are getting drunk on beer, shooting craps and generally getting in the caterer’s way.)

Well, turns out that there’s a version of “Wachet auf” by my favorite Renaissance composer, Michael Praetorius. And here it is:

Try out both versions, see which one speaks most clearly to you.

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