Monday, December 17, 2018

Gratitude Monday: I've got a little list

It’s kind of odd that—in this season of, well, you know—I’m having a really difficult time coming up with something to be grateful for today. I’ve tried; really, I have. It’s just…

Well, let me see what I can do.

My move to an office closer to “the team”—the ones who disrespect me overtly and covertly and who are, by grabbing tasks that fall within my remit and which they are unqualified to perform, steering this project ever closer to the iceberg—has been delayed because of a comedy of errors. This started with me checking out the target office and pointing out it was chockablock with books and signs stating, “Do not touch these books”. Which apparently no one in either the department or Facilities had thought to do. There’s a long and tedious tale between that and the current “plan”, but I’m now slated to move into a different office, which is two doors further away from “the team”. This is not nearly far enough, but it’s something.

The concierge primary care practice that the untruthfully-named CareFirst plan moved out of network last year is now back in-network, and I’ve got an appointment with one of the doctors today, after skating near the edge for the past 12 months. This is a relief, because it turns out that finding a primary care practice accepting new patients in the District They Call Columbia and its environs is like prospecting for gold in the Mojave. (Not helped by CareFirst’s utterly useless “provider directory”, with its outdated and outright false data.) So there’s that.

I determined that I still had two and a half days of use-it-or-lose-it vacation hours on the books, so I’m taking Wednesday through Friday off work. Coupled with us being granted Monday off as well makes for a nice stand-down period before Christmas. I’m going to use this for some last-minute gift-making, and nail down my list of things to burn for this year’s El Año Viejo. This should help with my resting bitch face in coming weeks, so it’s a good thing.

I loved being in Europe and having that excuse to shoot hundreds of photos. I’d completely forgotten what a joy that is. That’s a recovered blessing, one I hope I can hold on to.

Oh—and I lost about five pounds while on that trip; yay!

And that should do it for this Gratitude Monday.

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