Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Christmas thought

I wasn’t going to post anything for today, because I’ve just run out of…everything. But I saw this thread from one of the best people on Twitter, so have this instead.

a day ago, 23 tweets, 6 min read Read on Twitter
In honor of baby Jesus & his family of refugees/immigrants, here are a 20 quick points to remember the next time a loved one at the holiday party tries to make you fear the "illegals."

Xmas Eve
1. If US politiicians really wanted undocumented immigration to end, they'd start locking up the Americans who hire them. The demand for undocumented labor would swiftly end. They never talk about that. There's a giant "Help Wanted" sign at our border and it's not coming down.
2. The majority of undocumented immigrants are people who overstay their visas, not illegal border crossings. Politicians don't talk about this.
3. Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than US-born citizens. Legal immigrants also commit crimes at lower rates than US-born citizens.
4. Undocumented immigrants pay state, local & sales taxes. Over 11 billion in 2016,

(And when legal immigrants arrive here as adults, we don't have to pay for their education & they can start paying into our Social Security system.)
5. President Ronald Reagan supported Amnesty (his word) and argued that open borders allow them return home when they're done working here.
6. "Illegals" is a racist, dehumanizing, other-izing term. It's un-Christian and hypocritical - if you drive 56 in a 55 zone, aren't you an 'illegal' too?

If you disagree, count how many other types of lawbreakers FOX News calls "illegals."
7. Trump is an illegal. $25 million for education fraud alone. And I don't really need to say this, but more to come.
8. Politicians don't try to punish people who give jobs to undocumented workers (driving down supply of jobs) bc fear of Central American & Mexican immigrants & asylum seekers gets massive votes & campaign donations. It's a racket.
9. From slavery to Chinese railroad workers to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory to today's overseas sweatshops, exploited labor by marginalized peoples has always propped up the US economy.

Without 'illegals' you'd pay $40 for a salad.

And I know, salads don't apply to Trump.
10. Trump hires undocumented workers. Going back to the 80s w/undocumented polish construction workers.

The same people who exploit undocumented labor also exploit fear of the undocumented. You're being suckered by very rich hypocrites.
11. No national Democratic politicians have called for any legislation or policies that could ever lead to "Open Borders."

This is important. Any politician or media figure who uses the term "open borders" is lying.

The Bible calls that "bearing false witness."
12. They are never going to build a wall across thousands of miles of desert, rivers and forests, private and commercial property - while forcing Americans to give up their land under eminent domain law.

Wall fans are arguing for big govt to seize private American property.
13. The wall will not stop undocumented immigration. Ladders and shovels are things that will still exist.

As will America's giant "Help Wanted" sign.
14. People who support stealing migrant children are legally still allowed to call themselves Christian. They are not.
15. America has crumbling roads, bridges, a deliberately underfunded public school system, neglected infrastructure and an underfunded VA.

A guy who's hired undocumented workers wants $5billion to keep undocumented workers from coming here for work. It's all a scam.
16. Trump promised his supporters that Mexico would pay for the wall.

He promised you, #MAGA. Many times. Now he literally wants you to pay for his own broken promise.

(And the majority of 2016 voters rejected it, 74 million total (HR & 3rd parties) vs. DT's 62 million)
17. The majority of Americans still oppose the wall. They know it's expensive, bigoted, stupid and won't work. The majority of Americans don't hate America.
18. Undocumented immigration has dropped to a 12-year low. There is no 'crisis' and you have been lied to:
19. Trump did not pay federal taxes for years and committed tax fraud to avoid paying the taxes that you paid, which he now seeks to misuse.

20. Fear of "illegals" is a scam designed to get alarmed FOX news viewers to vote for an agenda centered on more tax cuts for very rich people, who don't need more tax cuts.

#maga #christmaseve2018 #christmas
Bonus #21. If you don't like our drug war refugees from Central American drug war violence seeking asylum in America then stop supporting the drug war.
Bonus #22. It's Jesus' birthday so here's his take. From Matthew 25, which modern RW evangelicals seriously need to read:

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,"


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