Monday, November 19, 2018

Gratitude Monday: Terezín

It’s Gratitude Monday, and Thanksgiving week. I’ve just got back from a few hours at Terezín, the (Austrian) imperial garrison town that the Nazis turned into a “model” Jewish ghetto and transit camp. Model ghetto, because Terezín was what was trotted out for inspectors from the International Red Cross to demonstrate how good life was for the residents. Transit camp because most of the 150,000 inmates who arrived there between 1941 and 1944 eventually were transported “to the East”. And death.

I’ll write about it when I can process the experience. But today, which started out with snow, I’m grateful that my trip to and from Terezín was via heated motor coach, with comfortable seats. And that I started out after an excellent breakfast, which saw me through the day. And I was free to come and go as I pleased.

I returned to my hotel, which (regardless of the wi-fi and the Vikings) is comfortable and elegant. I’ve got a kettle and tea in my room, and a marble-lined bathroom.

I went to Terezín because it was one of the two reasons for me coming to Prague, and I was able to make this trip, regardless of any anxieties I might have about my life or my job. Regardless of the limitations in my life, I have extraordinary possibilities, which I frequently lose sight of.

Today I see them, and I’m grateful.

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