Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A couple of meals

Mixed day yesterday. Was going okay until I went to the restaurant recommended by one of the less-than-stellar concierges at the hotel. (Although, tbh, it’s not clear to me that these people are anything other than reception clerks. When you dial “Concierge” on the room phone, they pick it up saying “Reception”, and they’re at the desk where you check in and out, so I’m thinking they’re glorified front deskers with ideas above their station.)

I didn’t like the looks of it—not only is it in the thick of the tourist area, but they seated me at a table so far out I think it wasn’t in Prague any more. Where it was, however, was smack next to the toilets, in front of a doorway that let cold damp air gush in every time smokers went out/in, and across from (and I am not making this up) this:

So, because I was hungry, I ordered “Moravian Sparrows” (pork with cabbage and some kind of doughy things that I think were dumplings), a bottle of sparkling water and a glass of Moravian red. Tbf, the food was fine. But what completely soured me on the experience was when the host brought the bill—for about 400 CZK “and the service is not included” and made change for the 1000 CZK note I gave him. Instead of the loose coins, a 100 CZK and a 500 CZK bills, he haltingly counted out the coins, two 50 CZK coins and three 200s. As I tucked the bills into my wallet, he scooped up all the coins and gabbled “thisisforthetipthankyou”.

Dude—I did not intend to leave you a $5 tip on a $20 tab.

From his adeptness at this, I’m guessing he’s very well practiced.

Well, I suppose you have to get suckered at least once on a trip. But it pisses me off.

So let me show you something to balance that.

On my trip to Terezín, as I was walking back from the outer parts of the town, I noticed that someone had dumped a basketful of apples by a little stream. They hadn’t been there when I’d headed out, so it had happened within about an hour. I noticed the apples and wondered…and then I saw the reason(s):

Since the clan (I counted seven, but there could well have been more) came out of the water, my guess is beaver, but I’m not sure. I couldn't see any tails; you see any tails?

Here’s some rather shaky video (it was very, very cold).

Bon appétit, little dudes. You’re having a better meal than I did.

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