Monday, October 29, 2018

Gratitude Monday: If you're lost

Dear sweet baby Jesus—I would not have believed that last week could drop below the level of Thursday (from state-sponsored voter suppression to IEDs sent to critics of the Kleptocrat), but then Republican turbo-charged hate rhetoric served up the weekend.

So I’m at a loss about what to be thankful for today and I considered not posting anything at all. Seriously—this has happened only twice since I began consciously practicing gratitude a few years ago. But after this weekend I feel like saying fuck it to everyone and everything.

This being the case, I’ve had to go to my comfort-place: music. I’ve cycled through Mozart, Chopin and Bach, and through Clapton, Piaf and Lennon-McCartney. But I keep coming back to Eva Cassidy’s voice for the warmth and hope I so desperately need if I’m going to make it through the next hour, week, year. Eva is how I’m shielding myself from the fuckwittery all around us, connecting myself to the good that I know is out there (even if I cannot feel any of it at the moment).

I’ll share this one for precisely that reason:

And this one because it breaks my heart every single time I hear her sing it:

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