Monday, October 15, 2018

Gratitude Monday: Civic right

After all the michegoss of my life last week, something arrived in the mail that perked me right up.

Yes, dear readers, my mail-in ballot arrived from the great State of California (which has overtaken the UK and now has the fifth largest economy in the world—suck on that, MAGAts), and I shall be casting my vote shortly.

As I wrote a while ago, I might have missed out, because the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters had moved me to inactive status. (It’s what I get for blowing off June’s primary election.) But I got it rectified, and I am now good to go.

Because every vote counts—every single one of them.

And, given the moves by Republicans at every level across the country emboldened by the Orange One to suppress voters suspected of not being right- (wing nut job) thinkers, I am grateful that I am able to cast my ballot. I hope to God that two years hence, we’ll still have enough of a rule of law left that I can do it again.

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