Friday, September 21, 2018

Mobile advertising

Northern Virginia traffic light cycles are the longest in western civilization. Some I’ve clocked at upwards of two minutes, which gives me time to do a lot of looking around. (I expect most folks start texting; I just let my eyes wander and my brain wonder.)

Then I often reach for the camera when something piques my curiosity. Viz:

Generally speaking, the purpose of putting business details on your business vehicle is to let prospective customers know you’re in business, right? And maybe to give you a ringy-dingy? So I wondered about this one. Perhaps they’ve changed phone numbers? Or they're in stealth mode? Or they really just don’t want you calling them?

Then there was this  one:

Dunno if you can see it, but the skin looks completely crackled. As though it had shattered; just not broken apart.

I can’t decide if that’s on purpose—because glass company—or if it’s just old.

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