Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Houston: We have a thing

Well, alrighty then—I have made it to Houston, to my hotel and to the convention center where this morning (starting at 0645 for a volunteers orientation) I shall be joined by 22,999 of my closest friends for the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.

It’s going to be a whole thing.

But, as you know, I always try to stay alert for local color. And Monday night I was on my way back to the hotel from a local tech women meetup when I became aware of a whole lotta bird sounds, close by the House of Blues (where there’s some GHC-related event tonight. Or maybe tomorrow. I seriously forget). Here are a couple of stills:

And here they are in action.

I do not know what variety of bird they are—open to enlightenment from my birding friends. They struck me as unusual, although they certainly seemed right at home.

Anyhow—I closed out the evening by noting the moon over the convention center.

It’s a whole thing.

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